Migrated Here


New Member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I'm a recently new defector from the world of BlackBerry! I couldn't withstand not getting the motorola Droid when it was first released, and honestly have never looked back!

Nice to meet everyone here and hopefully can soak up all the knowledge you guys have to offer! I do feel like a newbie sometimes with a brand new phone and fumbling my way around the OS to try and learn it fully... but I guess that's part of the excitement :)
:byestorm: Welcome "mamoru16" to Droid Forums :byestorm:

Don't think of yourself as a defector ! Think of your self as being enlightened ! Think of the blackberry as your a step towards perfection. :icon_ devil:

We Hope you all enjoy your time in the forums. Check out the FAQ section, and put the Search feature to good use too. Don't be afraid to ask questions either. After all, we were all newbies with these phones at one time too. And many of us have migrated as well from all different type and makes of phones.