minus cloud storage


Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
Sure this is a bit self serving and hopefully allowed here in the forums. If you sign up via my referral link I get an additional 1gb of space and so do you. It's a decent service, better than Dropbox in my opinion.


I didn't know that Minus did cloud storage. I'll try it out.

edit: seems to be very similar to the free Box account. I think I'll stick with Box since I have 50GB from registering a Touchpad, but you still get your free gigabyte so not all is lost.
how does minus differ from some of the others? especially dropbox?
jntdroid said:
how does minus differ from some of the others? especially dropbox?

More free storage, more focus on sharing and community.
looks like somewhat of a twitter-like storage/sharing thing - would that be a pretty good description?

I like the simplicity of it so far... and that I didn't have to give them my email!
Yes I forgot to mention that, they dont want your email and also the per file upload limit is 2GB. I think dropbox is 300MB..... yes jntdroid it is a bit twitter like..... Also check the settings after you login, the default setting is to make all uploads public but you can easily change the default to private.... One weird thing is that you can't create folders in the old fashion way, folders are created as you upload. Also for any of you that use FolderSync to sync your files, the developer mentions on their website that Minus accounts are next on the list of supported accounts. You can see that here.
