MMS Contact Thread


Nov 26, 2009
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I am having problems receiving MMS (this is true for MMS.APK AND Handcent) from my wife (the phone number in 3112). It started when she sent me an MMS which somehow had the "phone number" reflected in screen shot (CAP...1334). You'll see that she sent an MMS to multiple people but somehow the TO: list came through as the thread/contact name.

If you click on the thread you see the message was from her (CAP..1135) but the 'thread name' is "New Message".
If I click on the detail of one of the MMS messages you see the inbound number looks correct (CAP...1336).

I am unable to reply to her MMS messages but do have a separate thread for her SMS messages (shown in CAP..1334).

I have tried delete all her MMS' and the problem returns. I have even deleted all text message (MMS & SMS) and the problem returned as well as doing a restore for an earlier backup and the problem returns.

Any help would be appreciated.