Most Brutal Scratch Test EVER!


Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
My heart sunk when he started. :icon_eek:

WOW! Would never do something like that to my baby.
Ouch. I don't care if my Droid is scratch resistant or not, I would never do that.
Great to know it can take that, but I'm not testing it anytime soon.
Can't listen with sound.. Does he have a screen protector on it? Mine has a scratch going all down the face from cleaning the screen on my jeans... If a piece of dirt on jeans can scratch deep, scissors would kill it!
I just beat my ERIS to hell with a Razor blade..and pair of tweezers. :D No scratch. Eris's screen is made out of a tad bit different material than the Droid..
But still I don't dare try it on my Droid.. my precious Droid...
There is no way id do this to my phone. Im upgrading to the Incredible soon and I still wouldn't try this with my droid. Id like to see him do that with a razor blade.
lesson learned: poking something with a blunt object does not scratch it.
You folks must not understand the hardness scale. Metals such as brass/steel/etc. will not scratch glass, because glass is higher up on the hardness scale. However, something as innocuous as a particle of sand WILL scratch glass, since it is just as hard as the glass (glass is made out of sand, basically)

STIDRIVER, you must have had an errant sand particle on your jeans, thus the scratch.
lesson learned: poking something with a blunt object does not scratch it.

Thank you. I scratched my screen within the first few weeks of owning it. I imagine a small grain of sand go into my holster or something. The Droid screen is NOT scratch resistant.
it's amusing to see people do these scratch tests with things that don't normally pose a threat to glass screens anyway.

how about putting some dirt on a sock and then running that over your screen a few times...that would be closer to reproducing the environment of your pants pocket, where most scratches occur anyway.