Moto Droid doesn't show Awake Time in Status!


New Member
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
I recently received my Droid yesterday and I'm experiencing the common problem of a relatively short battery life. I've read on the possibility of multiple running apps possibly causing the phone to be unable to sleep, but I have no way of troubleshooting the problem seeing as under Settings>About Phone>Status, there is no "Awake Time" under the "Up Time".

Even in the event of there not being a problem with my droid and I'm just not getting premium battery life out of it, I'd still like the ability to check on my Awake Time percentage every once in a blue moon.

Please help on this issue. I have Google'd the problem to no avail.

(I have battery pulled, restarted, etc.)

:welcome: kotyow :D We're very happy to have you here:)

the place to check what's sucking your battery would be settings>>>about phone>>>battery use. that will tell you somewhat what's going on. Good luck :D