Moto Droid X Torn Apart!


DF News Team
Premium Member
Nov 6, 2009
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Like most of us, I'm sure you can't wait to get your hands on the new Droid X. And we know the first thing you'll want to do the moment you get your Droid X will probably not include taking it apart. However, for the tinkerers out there, you're in luck, because somebody has already done it for us! Droid X over at has graciously torn down the latest and greatest Motorola smartphone for the world to see.


And to top that, he includes a detailed set of instructions for tearing it down yourself, if you're so inclined. So, anybody on up for the challenge?

[video=youtube;cs_FRBcBa3M]]YouTube - Droid X Dissected![/video]

via Engadget
i will not be doing this
Sounds like something I would do...if I had two DX's

Sent from my Droid thru Time and Space
Geez, I always love how professional they are (yes that was sarcasm), I mean really, do you rehearse before shooting for real? Didn't even know the site he was representing...

Brother, yes, I'm ranting. The only good thing was it was a in focus video, I'm tired of videos that the user doesnt know how to put the cam into macro mode for close ups ...
Geez, I always love how professional they are (yes that was sarcasm), I mean really, do you rehearse before shooting for real? Didn't even know the site he was representing...

Brother, yes, I'm ranting. The only good thing was it was a in focus video, I'm tired of videos that the user doesnt know how to put the cam into macro mode for close ups ...

maybe not a professionally done video, but i didn't find it terrible to watch. imo everything was relatively clear...
I'm waiting on the video where he explains that Verizon will be charging him for the phone and he'll never be given a "review copy" again.

Other than that it was very poorly done. Called a ribbon cable "a film". He calls Hex Drivers "things". Cant even remember the site he made the video for.
i dont see the point of taking it aprt other than replacing a screen or just to see the insiide. cant wait till we can swap out parts our selves
The video wasn't bad at all. If I was anal, I would say some better lighting is in order and stop calling the screwdriver "the thing". Minus that, it was acceptable.