well to start off me and my wife were due for upgrade, and since Verizon screwed me out of a phone up grade the last time, i went in there with a vengeance!!
well after scouting the store, and originally i had my head set on the env touch... well the HTC caught my eye, and from there on out we focused on the droids....
just my luck we ran into a "BOGO" offer, so me and the wife are now sporting moto droids!!
i hate to say it, but i know i have to much of a phone, i may never use this to it's full potential, but i keep finding more and more great things about it every day, not to mention more and more great apps. i've been reading about "rooting" and "clocking" and also how it voids your warranty......i prefer not to have that voided at this point in time, but it's definitely a good deal to look into for later.
thanks again for all the great info, and if i have any questions, i think i've found the holy grail of droid info!!
well after scouting the store, and originally i had my head set on the env touch... well the HTC caught my eye, and from there on out we focused on the droids....
just my luck we ran into a "BOGO" offer, so me and the wife are now sporting moto droids!!
i hate to say it, but i know i have to much of a phone, i may never use this to it's full potential, but i keep finding more and more great things about it every day, not to mention more and more great apps. i've been reading about "rooting" and "clocking" and also how it voids your warranty......i prefer not to have that voided at this point in time, but it's definitely a good deal to look into for later.
thanks again for all the great info, and if i have any questions, i think i've found the holy grail of droid info!!