We have word that Motorola is about to kick off a Soak Test for the Droid Ultra Maxx. There's still no confirmation on whether it is Lollipop, an improvement to HD Talk, or simply a maintenance update. We will keep you apprised when we find out more. Here's the email confirmation,
Hi [Redacted].
Thanks for joining the Motorola Feedback Network. We are inviting owners of the Droid Ultra/Mini/Maxx to participate in an early preview of a new software release, and provide feedback. If you are not currently using a Droid Ultra/Mini/Maxx, please excuse and ignore this email.
We can only accept a limited number of participants, so please don't wait to respond.
Click this link -- [Redacted] -- to take the enrollment survey if you wish to take part. This link is uniquely tied to this survey and your email address ([Redacted]). Note that you must be a member in good standing of the Motorola Owners' Forums to be included. This is a confidential opportunity under the terms of the Motorola Feedback Network. Do not post any details or information about this on any public sites.
Start times can be fluid. We ask for your patience if you register but don't hear from us right away.
Cross your fingers it's something exciting!