Movies -audio sync


Feb 12, 2011
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So I have problems with the audio sync with playing movies. I have tried several apps on the market and also tried playing around with the audio settings when burning movies with handbrake. I heard others not having any problems at all. Am I missing something?

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So I have problems with the audio sync with playing movies. I have tried several apps on the market and also tried playing around with the audio settings when burning movies with handbrake. I heard others not having any problems at all. Am I missing something?

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I had the same issue. None of the video players on the market worked for me either. Only thing that worked for me was encoding to MP4 using 44.1 sampling on the audio.
I did try that and it didn't work. I did rip this from another copy that I did from a dvd from handbrake. I wonder if that had any thing to do with it. I guess I will try doing it straight from the dvd from handbrake instead.

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I thought I heard some where to use the ipod or iphone setting on handbrake. I guess I could give that a shot too.

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I use Handbrake also. What I did was pick iPod Legacy profile and then adjusted it to these settings below:

Video Bitrate = 1500
Frames = same as source
Audio bitrate = 160
Sampling = 44.1

Let me know if it works for you.
Well thats what I had but used target size 1000 not bit rate at 1500. Would that make a difference?

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I never tried setting the target size but at bit rate 1500, chopping off the black bars and trimming the sides to make the movie full screen at 856x480, my file size is around 1.2 GB.

Also forgot to mention, I unchecked iPod 5G support.
I will try that with the 5 unchecked. How do you trim the screen?

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You go under picture settings. I think by default, Handbrake does autocrop which means it removes the top and bottom black bars on widescreen movies but when displayed on the DX you still see the those bars because the movie is scaled to fit the screen.

So with autocrop on, it will tell you how many pixels it is removing from the top and bottom. Then I turn autocrop off and with a little math, I calculate how many pixels I need to shave off on both the right and left side and manually enter in the crop values. The remaining image size should maintain a ratio of 1.78 to 1 which is the DX screen aspect ratio.
Well I will see in about 2 hours. Too bad it takes so long. Also I can't see where to I can get it where I can adjust the size of the screen. Its all greyed out. I will report back in a couple of hours.

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Ok so it still doesn't work. Ive tried severral different players too. I just dont know what else to do. Very frustrating.

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Audio only out of sync after seeking

Hey all,

I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but I find that I can play videos fine on the X UNTIL I try to seek (fast forward/rewind) and then the audio is out of sync. Any had to deal with this, and find any answers?
Yes, i have this prob. Well i still have the audio sync problem. I have done just about everything i can think of. Ive used handbrake using ipod, iphone settings, and using several other settings with no luck. I have also used several popular video players. Not sure what to do at this point. Which stinks cuz the video has great quality.

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solution, maybe

So, I found some other threads that talked about changing the audio Hz from 48 to 44.1. I took a video that was loosing sync on my phone and re-encoded it with 44.1 audio, and the sync problem went away. I wouldn't say that it was bulletproof sync after seeking, but it was pretty darn good. Not the 3 to 4 sec difference like before.

Hope this helps.