Moving App to SD card Icon changes


New Member
Mar 22, 2012
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On my Motorola Droid 4 when I move an APP from the phone to the SD card, example Flixster, and then if I power my phone down and back up the ICON on my screen changes from the Flixster Icon to a blank Icon. If I move APP back to Phone and cycle power again it comes back. Can anyone tell my why it does this and what I can do to try and correct this. I have already tried formating my SD card and have uninstalled and reinstalled the APP and it still does the same thing. This is happening with all of the my APP's that I am able to move from phone to SD card please help.
With the app on the SDCard, does the icon come back if left alone for a few minutes?

SDCard access times are a bit longer than pulling the information straight from the phone. I've run in to this problem with Angry Birds in the past. Also add in the fact that the SDCard takes a few seconds to mount after bootup. That means if the phone is trying to pull the icon from the SDCard, it can't until after the card is mounted, which usually happens either during or after the initial bootup when the icons are all pulled.

May not be your particular case, but it's the only hypothesis I can come up with for now.