As MWC 2012 moves closer, the news and rumors are getting more hot and heavy. Mozilla has teamed up with LG for the release of its first mobile device at MWC 2012, said a "source" close to the project. The Mozilla/LG phone will be powered by Mozilla’s brand new Boot to Gecko (B2G) operating system. . Extreme Tech described Boot to Gecko as just a cut-down version of Linux that automatically loads Gecko. It's essentially a simplified version of Chrome OS. The actual device will be aimed at developers, not the mass user initially. The source could not confirm the price or specs, and we would also like to note, availability is still unknown.
LG won't be the only ones invited to the party, Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and the Chief Technology Officer of Mozilla, says that there will be partners at MWC 2012. Who those partners might be is anyone's guess, but we will find out soon enough. With the acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Google Inc. pretty much a green light, the mobile landscape will more than likely change, especially when it comes to Google and it's partners. B2G's open platform will give the carriers a blank chalkboard with access to an open operating system, based on an open browser and framework, with a truly open Marketplace. That, in and of itself, is a scary concept for those who dislike where the carriers seem to want to take their equipment. This is pretty much an open door to load up bloat all day long, or not. With B2G, carriers would once again be in control. Is that a good thing or a bad thing, we don't know.....yet.
This is pretty big news no doubt, and we are quite excited to see exactly where this is headed. This could be the biggest news to come out of MWC 2012 when all the details drop. The game is about to change. Turning every browser into an OS is not chump change. Whew! As always, we'd love for you to share your thoughts and comments with us.
Source: Extreme Tech
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