Multi-Touch K/B Corruption & Fix


Oct 20, 2011
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Today, for no apparent reason, in modules like text, email & IM, every time I typed a sentence, the moment the bottom ribbon launched with corrections, the device would freeze and I'd get an error with the option to wait or force close.

The phone would then start freezing up and even the home screen would freeze with the wait/force close error. Neither a soft nor battery-pull reboot fixed it.

I tried disabling all of the k/b functions but it didn't help.

I found the answer on the Vz support forum. To fix, go to Settings> Applications> Manage Apps> Multi-Touch Keyboard and clear data.

Just thought I'd share if others are experiencing this bug.
Can you tell us what version you are running (Froyo/Gingerbread) and if you are rooted?


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I'm non-rooted running Gingerbread - and this is apparently another Gingerbread-related bug.
I hear ya...

I figure if I can save any of you the three hours I wasted Saturday trying to figure out why the phone went haywire & find the solution, it's worth it. The weird thing is, I rarely use the multi-touch k/b, yet it corrupted anyway.

Another clue that this is causing your issue is if you go into the battery manager to see what's using the most power and you see at a high %. It normally shouldn't even show up.
Apparently it's a GB thing. I've had the same problem, both with my rooted D2 with GB leak and with my unrooted D2G with OTA GB update. Same symptoms, same freezing, processor gets wicked hot and eats my battery alive. Battery usage shows chewing it up. Until now, the only way to fix has been hard reset, a massive PITA. Thanks much for the fix!