Galaxy Note 3 - Android 5.0 - Stock Calendar app
My exchange account has two calendars. I only wanted to view one on my phone.
This has worked fine for years until yesterday. All of a sudden I am now getting the content of both calendars on my phone calendar, which renders it unusable.
I went looking for a setting under accounts that would allow me to choose which calendars under my exchange account that I wanted to sync.
But, I only have one option there? Sync calendars or don't sync calendars. No option to pick or choose which to sync.
Wasn't there an option there at one time? Has it moved? I cannot find any way to select the appropriate calendars to sync?
My exchange account has two calendars. I only wanted to view one on my phone.
This has worked fine for years until yesterday. All of a sudden I am now getting the content of both calendars on my phone calendar, which renders it unusable.
I went looking for a setting under accounts that would allow me to choose which calendars under my exchange account that I wanted to sync.
But, I only have one option there? Sync calendars or don't sync calendars. No option to pick or choose which to sync.
Wasn't there an option there at one time? Has it moved? I cannot find any way to select the appropriate calendars to sync?