Multiple Gmail Calendars


Nov 23, 2009
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Is there any way to sync multiple Gmail calendars on the Droid? Right now I can only sync my primary email accounts calendar but would like the ability to see my wife's calendar.
As long as she shares it with you, sure.

My wife's calendar is synced to my Droid, along with my primary calendar.
How about them Vols!!!.....As for the question, If you don't get an answer here soon, I would get in touch with your carrier....VZW would be able to answer this directly.
As long as she shares it with you, sure.

My wife's calendar is synced to my Droid, along with my primary calendar.

Yeah, my wife's and mine are synced to our droids too. Makes life a little more convenient. :)
Yes, it can be done. Log into your gmail Calender from your PC and enable "sharing" on the calenders you want to sync.
I see her calendar listed in my calendars when I log in using a PC but can't see any of her events on my calendar, and therefore can't see them on my Droid.
Open your Calender on the Droid. Chose settings option, more, my calenders, make sure your shared calenders are checked.