Music not scanning/showing up in media players


New Member
Oct 4, 2010
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I recently purchased a 32gb microsd card and loaded it with music. First if all, I couldn't get the DX to sync either over wifi with doubletwist or usb with windows media player. Both stopped syncing shortly through the list (7k sons, 20 or so synced.

Them I resorted to loading all the mp3s directly onto the card. Now my music players (stock and mixzing) won't scan more than 480 songs. It's driving me batty, nearly enough to trash the DX and leave Android altogether...

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what folder did you put the files in? And what music apps are you using?

The first thing to do is to make sure none of the folder(s) have a .nomedia file. The other is to make sure they music folders aren't nested too deep.
I loaded the music files in the Music folder (G:\Music\) and the only music players I have are mixzing and stock. The music if nested in folders by artist and album - at most 3 folders.

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Download an app called sdrescan. it rescans your SD card without a reboot. Run it and see if you see the music.
I'll try that. SD card is being copied right now tho. (I'm wondering of id3 tags may be an issue, copying all music and converting...) I have tried battery pulls and reboots though, no luck with those...

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I'll try that. SD card is being copied right now tho. (I'm wondering of id3 tags may be an issue, copying all music and converting...) I have tried battery pulls and reboots though, no luck with those...

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I had some issues a long time ago with the stock music app and tags. Songs would not sort properly until I edited some tags. I've long since stopped using the native music app. I use either MixZing or PowerAmp now.
Good news - I got all the files copied over and android was recognizing them. Bad news - android froze up midway through the scan and lost all progress.

Started scanning again and it froze again. Took out the card and android loves me again. It's a problem with the microsd card. That's the only constant variable in the equation. (my other card works fine). I've already tested the card with h2testw and came up with no errors.

FYI, card is a 32gb class 10 Patriot microsd. I highly suggest not buying this particular card/"model" as this problem is apparently common. I will be returning/RMAing it and replacing it with another brand ASAP...

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