music player problem....


Nov 21, 2009
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I've had an issue with the music player just starting on it's own in the background a few times. It usually happens when i have the headphones in. The other day I was using Pandora while working out for about an hour then I turned Pandora off. While walking to the locker I had the ear buds just draped accross my shirt and I noticed there was music playing. When I checked it was the stock music player playing the last song I had played a few days ago. I shut it down and a few minutes later it started again. Yesterday, I was using droidlive and the music player started a couple times while droidlive was streaming another song, so 2 songs at once. The first time I used the task killer to kill the music player and it started again a few minutes later. One of my coworkers also has a droid and she told me she's had the same issue except while talking on the phone (she uses headphone with built in mic while driving) and the music player would start in the middle of a conversation. I got to thinking and I'm using headphones with built in mic the I got from a blackberry a had a few years ago. Anybody else had this problem? I don't seem to have any of the other problems: static, crackling, loose headphone jack, etc.. that Ive seen posted on the forum. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen.
I have a similar issue

and i thought i was going nuts. This is what's happening in my case

I play a playlist.
After a few minutes the song would change and the music player would automatically go into Party Shuffle mode.
That would play for a few seconds and the song would change again.
A couple of restarts (usually) fixes it (i am not sure though). But it's still happening.

Did you find a reason as to why it's happening for you?? Any fixes?
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I have the same problem. I have found no way to keep the Music Player from firing up. I even went so far to see if I could uninstall the basic music player since I mostly use streaming players, Pandora, etc. I did not see a way to uninstall it. I think the problem may have to do with the very small electrostatic noise you get when you wiggle the headphone jack in the connector. It is a very weird behavior. It would be nice to have an App which puts the Music Player in a disabled/enabled state.
It stopped happening for me

For me, luckily it stopped happening. I noticed that the behavior started after I installed a bunch of other players (Nimo, tunesWiki). I uninstalled both of em, did a restart and so far the problem didn't rise again.

I also noticed that in some cases, not all, the half press of camera button was causing the player to go crazy.

I am happy (for now atleast). I like the stock player especially cuz of its podcasts folder feature.

I do have pandora installed as well, I didn't have to uninstall that one.

Hope this helps
I have the same problem. Using the default music player my songs will sometimes turn off, go into full shuffle, or the music will turn on without me hitting any buttons. 90% of the time that this has happened my headphones have been plugged in. It also did not start happening until 2 weeks or so of phone use but now it happens all the time. Are there any fixes for this problem? Its quite annoying having your music shut off every couple of steps while walking.
I had similar problems on a droid with a generally buggy headphone jack. I had other problems too though (static, music cutting out when the cord moved, player firing up if I pressed on the jack with headphones plugged in, and the 'no sound when headphones removed' issue.) I swapped it out and the new one has been free of all of these problems. I'm not sure if all of the issues were related or due to hardware, so take it as you will.
Add me to the list. Usually I listen to podcasts with Beyondpod, and in the middle of a podcast, music starts to play. PITA!

This has been happening at least since the last update, I can't remember if it happened before that.
Same thing here...

Thought I was crazy.

When I'm walking on my commute to work, the music player will stop randomly. I do think it has to do with the headphone jack, like others have mentioned. It's extremely annoying. Not sure what makes it go into party shuffle or stop completely, but it seems odd that headphone jack feedback would do that. Hopefully this is fixed in the next version.
I am the original poster of this thread. Just thought I'd give an update. I haven't found a fix for this but it actually has seemed to have stopped on it's own as it hasn't happened in a while. I do make sure with taskmanager that the music app isn't in the background before I start any of the streaming players. I don't have any other music apps installed and haven't deleted any apps that should affect the music player. It seems to have stopped for the moment. If anyone has any ideas please post. Thanks
Well the problems have not stopped for me and all I'm usinng is the default music player. Its definitely caused by movement of the headphone plug. It seems really random though... a slight bump may start a random song or stop the music or start it back up again while another time I can grab the plug and move it around and nothing will happen. This is getting increasingly frustrating as I only listen to music on my droid while walking and it constantly turning onn and off and shuffling. Is there anything we can do to bring motorola's attention to this problem?

(PS- anyone else get double inputs sometimes while typing on their droid like I did in my paragraph above with usinng and onn?)
Hello again, i'm the original poster again. Another update. It hadn't happened in a while but it started again the other day. I was listening to the stock music player for a while, went to taskkiller and killed it and started iheart radio up. After a few minutes the music player started again. I stopped it again and went to taskkiller and stopped it again and in a few minutes it started again. I did the same thing again with killing it and it worked fine the rest of the time. Yesterday, I used iheart radio without a problem. Someone posted that they noticed that a slight touch of the camera button seemed to make it go crazy. That could be, I use a leather case with velco but to position the phone in the case so the headphones can connect the camera button is on top so I might me slightly touching it when closing down the case. I'll have to experiment with it when I work out today. Still haven't found any other fixes for it. It did seem to stop on its own for a while. One thing is that I hadn't been using the stock player for a while so I don't know it starting it up then closing it leaves something still in memory. I do kill it with a task manager. Anyway, just updating on this issue. I do think the wiggling of the headphone jack has something to do with it though. Anyone else have any other ideas or heard of anything else....
Possible solution?

I've had a variety of the same problems. Most annoyingly, I'd be listening to music (in either the stock player or MixZing) and the song would stop playing. I'm trialling a possible solution, and so far, so good.

Specifically, a few hours ago I noticed that, as I was playing music with the standard music player, an icon appeared on the status line that indicated that LastFM was trying to scrobble something. This was entirely unbidden on my part -- I haven't used LastFM for a long time; it, or some process it invokes, somehow spontaneously loaded itself. With music still playing, I went to Advanced Task Manager and killed Last FM; my music stopped playing immediately.

It occurred to me that somehow, when it tried to access the Internet, LastFM was accessing some process or kernel used by the music player. When it failed to access the Internet (I have no cell coverage in my house), perhaps it killed that shared process. So I uninstalled LastFM and TuneWiki, both of which try to access the Internet for various tasks. My music had previously been cutting out on me every 20-30 minutes before. Now, it's been several hours without interruption.

I'll keep testing, but so far, this looks promising.
I've been having these same problems. I didn't notice it until I recently installed Pandora and would randomly have MixZing open up. It can be reproduced by wiggling the headphone jack. I do have a touchy jack.

I'm also having problems with dead phone audio after using headphones. I haven't figured out if it's a jack thing or MixZing yet.

A manufacturer I do repair work for had a problem with a chip socket a few years ago that didn't have enough pressure on the contacts to make a good connection. The fix were some plastic shims that were added to the socket that looked like fake eyelashes, and thus was termed the "Tammy Faye" mod. After reading another post about using an envelope to fix a loose jack, I'm temped to try something along these lines before swapping my phone out...