About an hour ago I heard my Droid ringing, although it sounded slightly different than normal. Walking over to my desk where it sat - I was surprised to see a dark screen - yet the phone was ringing to denote a call coming in. I picked it up and tapped the screen - nothing. Dark screen. Still ringing. Hmmm. Very strange! I touched the power on/off button. Nothing. Yikes! WTH? So I "swipe" my path for the turn-on (yea - I know it well enough I can do it in the dark). Still nothing. Still ringing.
Now I'm concerned. So I press and hold the power button. Nothing. Still ringing though. I'm turning my head, looking around the room. Am I alone? Is there another phone in here? No. It's definitely mine. I hold it closer to my ear and it's most definitely my ringer!
So what now? I pull the cover off, snap out the battery cover and remove it. Aaahhh! With a sigh of relief the ringer stops! Wiping my brow I reassemble it, and turn it back on. I hold my breath, hoping NOT to hear the ringing sound again. Red eye stares at me blankly, like a sharks eye, lifeless but pulsating. Then the familiar chime goes off, and a friendly home screen appears. Now I feel better. I immediately go to my call log. And then my breath is coming fast again - my chest begins to heave. No recent calls. The last incoming call logged in was two hours previous - I had answered my worker calling in for this weeks schedule. I look again. Nope - nothing after that!
I look around the room again. In one corner is my 55 gallon fish tank - all the fish are motionless - staring directly at me. On the small round rug beside my desk sits my dog - he's staring at me intently, the hackles up on the back of his neck. I glance over at my tv - I had been watching the Daytona 500. Screen was black. No sound coming from it. I think back. Did I shut the tv off to answer the phone? No - the remote was still sitting on the coffee table in front of my easy chair, partially covered with this mornings newspaper - I just know I never picked it up. I look outside the window - the birds that had been cheerfully jumping on and off my bird feeder were sitting motionless on the lid. Staring in the window - directly at me. Eerie! I'm now feeling a bit apprehensive to say the least.
I walk over to my landline portable, pick it up and dial my cell. Within seconds, the familiar ringing sound starts on the Droid. I peer at the screen. Yep! It's lit up with my home phone number showing on the caller id. I breathe a sigh of relief. I hear the birds start to chirp again, fluttering excitedly around the feeder. Looking down I see the dog is once again washing his paws - meanwhile watching me out of the corner of his eye - his standard look awaiting a walk outside. The fish? They are now swimming around, following their normal aimless path doing countless laps around the perimeter of the tank. I swipe the phone with the ignore swipe. Then check out the call log again. One call in the last two hours. Mikey's house. Eight seconds ago.
I'm back watching the race, it's under red flag. I'm munching on chips and dip, reclined back in the chair, comfortable and at ease. Somewhat.. I'm also keeping a wary eye on the Droid - silent in its repose sitting on the corner of the desk. Waiting. For what, I don't know. But I'm not sure I'll leave the phone on it's regular vigil tonight on the MIKRADLE beside my bed. I'm thinking I'll just for one night, perhaps leave it out in my truck, in the garage, locked from the inside... And for tonight at least - I'm locking my bedroom door. And hopefully will sleep through 'til the morning... mikey
Hi cuskit!
I'm sexygal** I bought one of your MIKRADLE, very nice. I didnt see your post till now. I posted today about my haunted Droid!
Hi sexygal! Of course I remember you - only two sexy gals in my life - you and my wife!

I missed your haunted post, but just now went and read it. You are not alone. My phone (as well as many others here) does make calls on it's own. Last week my sister called me, wanting to know what I wanted. Confused - I asked why the query. "Because you just called me a few minutes ago, I didn't get to answer it before you hung up". Hmmm. I checked my call log and sure enough - moments before was an outgoing call to my sis, duration only 2 seconds. I did not make that call - I was working in my shop at the time and the phone was setting on a
Once before - about a month ago a similar situation - I checked my call log after walking my dog (left the phone in the house) and there it was - an outgoing call to one of my supply houses. This was a Sunday - they are only open weekdays. I did not make the call - I was not even in the house at the time. My wife was not home either - she was at work. Of course, the dog was with me, only the fish were in the house. In a different room...
Haunted? You tell me.
By the way - I checked out your yearbook - very nice, interesting! I love your sense of humor, we have that in common! As well as loving cats. I've had cats and dogs all my life. Last cat (Snapples - a Maine Coon) died a couple of years ago at 12 years old. Also lost my dog and a cockatoo bird, all within a six month period. To say the least it was a dismal period in our lives (wife and myself). She was so heartbroken, she didn't ever want another pet, the grief was too overwhelming. About six months later, she got some medication. His name is Miles, and he's a Boston Terrier, and the sweetest, most adorable little tyke I've ever had in my life! He sleeps in our bed, sits on the couch with us and is only content when pressed up against us. Best medicine ever to get past the loss of an animal - getting another one as quickly as possible. They sure cannot replace the lost one, but somehow I feel the soul just moves from one pet to the newer one. They never leave you!

Sorry to hear of your loss on Dec 6, but the new kitty looks to be a real charmer!
Okay - gotta go. Perhaps our Droid ghosts can finish this conversation between them!
