My face spams a million buttons help!


New Member
May 24, 2010
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I was looking around but didn't see anything on it but is there a way to lock your phone so that when you are talking the screen wont come back on when you're talking unless the call ends or you press the lock button. For some reason when im talking even if i hit the lock button at the top if i tilt the phone while i have it next to my face, the screen will turn on and seems to always hit the hide number pad button and spam a million numbers or!!! the most annoying thing end the call.

Is there a setting or something i can do to make the screen not come on while im talking unless the call ends or i unlock it. A lot of the time the screen will stay on because I'm constantly moving or doing something tilting the phone back and forth with it pressed to my face with my shoulder. Not only does it drain my battery by constantly being on during long calls but it spams buttons and annoys the heck out of me. any help would be greatly appreciated and I'm sorry if its a really simple solution that for some reason i cant figure out.
do you have long hair by any chance? The proximity sensor will not work properly if there is hair in front of it. One thing that seems off is that when you press the lock button on the top the screen should not turn back on unless you press the lock button again. Dunno why your phone would be doing that.
Ya its pretty annoying. for example ill make a call, wait until they answer then hit the lock button on the top. after that ill talk but if i tilt it to much or if say i put it on my shoulder to hold it against my face it will turn on and either spam a bunch of numbers or end the call. It does it a lot when i have it locked and say i tilt the phone to be almost horizontal while talking.

It only does it when I'm talking. If i lock it when i'm not on a call it wont turn on unless i press the unlock button.