So I wanted to propose to my girlfriend yesterday. I had just purchased her a ring, and was ready to do it. I decided to show her father respect and ask him first. I know he and I have a tender relationship. He thinks I'm worthless, not driven, not right for his daughter. Yet I hold a job, pay my bills and treat his daughter like a queen. Anyways. I asked him if I could marry his daughter. He did say yes. But then continues to downgrade me. Saying stuff like.... I know what my daughter wants and its not you. Let me tell you something, she will only take so much and then she will leave. She will only support someone for so long. Then she will be gone. So if you want to keep her then you need to find a way to be more like her father. ..... Oh I was seeing red! Then I was in the hospital on easter and he thinks that I went to the hospital to get out of going to the family gathering. I was in the hospital with pancreatitis lol you can't fake that. He simply hates me. My fiance says its because of her track record with worthless guys and that sooner or later her father will come around and see that I'm not going anywhere. Its been 2 years, she's pregnant and now were engaged. How much more does he need to see before he realizes I'm not going anywhere. I love his daughter and will spend the rest of my life with her whether he likes it or not. I know that sounds harsh. But that's just how it is. She loves me and I love her. Any recommendations? Keep in mind that I only shoe him the up most respect when he's around. Yes sir, no sir, thank you and you're welcome. He is a successful man and is the head of a huge hospital and I work for DirecTV could that be why?...... By the way. She said yes