My girlfriend's getting me a new phone...


Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
McLeansville, North Carolina
I can't seem to decide between the Droid X or the Droid 2.
I have a Droid and I love it, so naturally I kinda want the Droid 2.. but I fear that the keyboard on it will just end up like mine: the plastic de-adheres from the keys after a couple months of usage, rendering it next to useless.

Does anyone here who has a Droid 2 have any complaints about the hardware keyboard? I need a phone with a keyboard and the Droid 1 I have just isn't cutting it anymore. The keyboard is so horrible now it's almost unusable.

On the other hand, I want a Droid X because it's a monster..much bigger screen means more space to type with the virtual the lack of a hardware keyboard wouldn't be a huge problem for me.
Had a chance to play with it in the store.. liked it..
Except I hear of all kinds of issues with it like horrible battery life, call volume, things like that.

Maybe there are some people here who have had both the X and the Droid 2 who could tell me which they found to be better...?
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the DX and the D2 have the best battery life out of any android phone out right now if i saw correctly. The D2's keyboard is an improvement but it isn't a jaw dropper by any means..your keyboard is probably peeling off due to heat issues, are you rooted or do you live in a hot environment? To be honest, with the DX's screen you wont have any need for a physical keyboard..If i had to pick i would go to the X.

But i love my D1 and wouldn't swap it for any device out right now.
I have the X, didn't need the hard physical keyboard after Swype came out, and it's preinstalled in the X. It's lighter, bigger, faster and less metallic than the D1. The volume is somewhat soft, but supposedly that's being fixed in the 2.2 update, it's a known issue with a commitment to fix.
the DX and the D2 have the best battery life out of any android phone out right now if i saw correctly. The D2's keyboard is an improvement but it isn't a jaw dropper by any means..your keyboard is probably peeling off due to heat issues, are you rooted or do you live in a hot environment? To be honest, with the DX's screen you wont have any need for a physical keyboard..If i had to pick i would go to the X.

But i love my D1 and wouldn't swap it for any device out right now.
My phone stays cool all the time, it's happened to both the Droids I've had.

Thank you for your input. :)
D2 is def heavier as well i held one the other day b4 they hit floors (nice knowing someone in Best buy mobile) and it seems a little more sturdy as well. i would say X because its been out (obviously) longer and they will know what bugs there are and can fix them... D2 on the other hand is newer and will still have bugs that will occur (not saying any other phone thats been out longer still don't) but to know for a replacement then i would say X..... but also if you are looking for a physical keyboard or not will help in your decision
Those are the best kind of girlfriends. ;)

If you like bigger, the X, if you like smaller the 2.

Really, your best bet is going to VZW's comparison site, and looking to see which options most benefit you.
It basically boils down to physical keyboard or no physical keyboard.
Those are the best kind of girlfriends. ;)

If you like bigger, the X, if you like smaller the 2.

Really, your best bet is going to VZW's comparison site, and looking to see which options most benefit you.
Oh she loves spending money on me. :D

But yeah I've pretty much done the comparing, and I REALLY want the D2 but I just don't want the keyboard to end up like my Droid 1's keyboard. :( It's horrible.
The Droid X is very appealing to me because of the big ass screen..

I just don't know... I had an Eris before I had the Droid, and I could type pretty fast on the virtual keyboard, and then I got the Droid and I was like whoa..but now it's crap... and I find myself more and more using the virtual keyboard.

I dunno...I guess I need to go use the Droid X a little more...
Does it have music controls on the lockscreen like the Droid 2?
Does she cook,clean and let you hang out with your friiends too? If so then she is a keeper! Latch onto her and don't let her go mang.....
Does she cook,clean and let you hang out with your friiends too? If so then she is a keeper! Latch onto her and don't let her go mang.....
Haha yes she does. :p

I think I'm starting to lean a little more towards the Droid X... not sure yet though...

You should consider the Samsung Fascinate as well, if you're considering the X more than the 2 since the Fascinate doesn't have a keyboard either.
i would defianetly put the facinate into consideration too. It isnt out yet but it should be out by mid to late september based on rumors and if it is like all the other galaxy s phones it will have a 4 inch display which is inbetween the screen of the d2 and dx
Almost forgot about that phone... I'm not a big fan of the UI, and the time frame isn't really good for me.

I've pretty much decided on the Droid X.
Thank you to everyone for your input. Much appreciated. :)
Yeah I don't have the droid x nor do I plan on getting a new phone but if I were gettin one right now I would go with the droid x, I played with one at the verizon store and I really liked it. Even though I've got my droid 1 runnin at 1ghz the droid x was still smoother than mine :( plus the onscreen keyboard was even easier to use than my ipod touch which I've always thought of as the best onscreen keyboard around (hopefully no one kills me for that)

Sent from my Moto Droid using Tapatalk
you also may want to consider the Samsung Facinate that comes out here in a few weeks. This will be by far the best android phone on the market.

Samsung Fascinate = Samsung Galaxy S

oh yeah no locked bootloader and every other version of the Galaxy S has already been rooted so it wont take long to root this.