My Introduction


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hello there! First time poster short time follower... I have had my droid for about a good 5 or 6 months, and been reading on this forum pretty much since I got the phone.
Im located in Southeast Georgia, I read everything I can get on my hands in topics, cell phones, and my true passion the Jacksonville Jaguars. I love all the handy information on this forum, and love hearing news first hand. I have told a lot of people about the Droid OS some of which was direct information from this forum, and I am confident in what I have learned at this point. I really appreciate all the information, and I am currently running 'vanilla' droid and am very interested in rooting, but not sure about the process yet and have several questions.
:welcome: to the forum! We're very happy to have u on board! :D
Oh hi, hope ya liek the forums. This forum is pretty sweet. With the releases and the support, not to mention the little laughs here and there. Hope you enjoy your stay!
welcome!! Root your phone trust me.. its easy and you will love your phone 10x more!