My new girlfriend!


Silver Member
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Iris is an app that was created in the idea of the iphone app or ios app siri..(I believe is the name) anyway..This app answers questions and is by far intelligent in its creation...I was sold after a few silly questions..One I said, Iris, "I love you" it said enough about me what do you think about my dress? Or something..and it has quirks but is on the right path...It is free and also awesome as all get out..(does anyone say that,? Anymore? Lol) anyway, this is not a review, rather a simple way to spread the word of a fantastic tool as well as a pastime...Thanks brothers and sisters! Peace! As always! The drummer:)

You Juss Been TAPPED! by the drummer...
Another day, yet another flash.....:)
"Awesome as all get out" you sound like my brother.......thanks for the info

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"Awesome as all get out" you sound like my brother.......thanks for the info

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

Its even funnier as I really never say must have been a whim?

You Juss Been TAPPED! by the drummer...
Another day, yet another flash.....:)
I used it the other day. It's fun, but very obvious it was simply thrown together.

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Have you tried Speakoit yet? Its the same as Iris but I think it's better.

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Don't forget to dl Ivona also...makes the speech synthesis sooooo much better
Thanks all! And yes upon further time with the app, she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer but the idea is just sweet!lol and yes I will try those guys! Peace and thanks again!

You Juss Been TAPPED! by the drummer...
Another day, yet another flash.....:)
These apps are pretty cool! Just think they are new give it some time and I think they will be just good as siri or better.

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These apps are pretty cool! Just think they are new give it some time and I think they will be just good as siri or better.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

NO DOUBT!! Thanks!

You Juss Been TAPPED! by the drummer...
Another day, yet another flash.....:)