My phone is better than yours


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
Reaction score
So what do you guys use to show off your GNex to other people to prove that your phone is better than theirs :biggrin:?

Personally, I show them the live stream of NFL or NHL games, Netflix or Modern Combat 3. Google Wallet also seems to do the trick.
Usually I step off my Mercedes CL63 AMG , that's enough for people to realize my phone is better than theirs.
Usually I step off my Mercedes CL63 AMG , that's enough for people to realize my phone is better than theirs.
the new cl class is so damn nice

but back onto topic, one way to impress is facial recognition.
Majority of the people I hang out with are just whipping it out impresses anyone really, or when someone handles it their usually impressed how light and slim it is.
Majority of the people I hang out with are just whipping it out impresses anyone really, or when someone handles it their usually impressed how light and slim it is.
Many of my friends are tech savvy and love the phone, including one who has the 1.5 Ghz Skyrocket and is really impressed with my phone.

I am not a showoff like that, I just take it out to text or check something on the internet and it gathers crowds. Even some Apple fan boy friends of mine were impressed.
I tried showing my Dad how my new Gnex was better then his flip phone but it was futile. He just didn't care. haha :D
My friends aren't interested in phones, one has a charge, the other an EVO 4g,both think that their phones are better than my razr.... Ignorance is bliss I guess

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The screen. I am the only gadget guy among my friends so shiny and pretty colors are all they are looking for lol.
I've just pulled this phone out my pocket and people like it.
I show 'em my how well you can see my screen in direct sunlight...

Jaws drop left & right :D
google wallet does it for without me showing off anything.
I show 'em my how well you can see my screen in direct sunlight...

Jaws drop left & right :D

Yea pretty cool for an amoled screen. Generally led is terrible in direct sunlight but this phone is awesome. This screen is perfect because its great in all conditions.