My review of the Nexus


Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
Well, I got up yesterday and got my Nexus.

Here is my critical review:

1) Android still lags. If you were like me, you were hoping for a phone that is just butter-smooth all the time. It's close, it's really close. It's responsive, it's fast. It's not butter-smooth at all times though, as much as I wished I could say it was, and trust me after waking up early and going to get my Nexus I WANTED it to be perfect in terms of transitions and screen scrolling. It's not much of a downside because its barely noticeable (and only at certain times it's barely noticeable, through normal use you CAN'T notice it) but it's still there. 8/10.

2) Screen. The screen is beautiful, hands down. I couldn't be happier, and I don't know how it could get much better. 9/10 (only because I don't know what a 10/10 is)

3) Size. It's pretty big. It's almost "too big" compared to my wife's iPhone. For me, I love it. I can fit more apps on my screens and web pages and youtube videos look better than good, they look downright awesome. Size, along with the screen I mentioned above, is a positive, not a negative. That being said, if it doesn't fit in your particular favorite pockets in a jacket or whatever, it's on you. Everyone knew the size of it when they bought it, so there is no real room to complain. Personally, I love the new screen real estate. 9/10.

4) Camera. The camera just flat out isn't that good. It's not bad, especially for my purposes, but it's far from good. I would say it's "acceptable" for non-professional camera types. I don't take many pictures, but when I do I want them to look at least decent. This barely meets that. The speed of the camera is really great though, but I'm not judging this on speed, it's quality. I would rather have a slower camera that takes better pictures personally, but whatever. 5/10, with a 10 being a real digital camera.

5) Button/input placements. I'm not used to the volume rocker on the left side. For some reason I keep missing it because I'm used to it being "higher" on the phone, but that's a personal annoyance. The real annoyance is the inputs on the bottom. The audio jack and the power cord are on the bottom, which I dislike. It's by no means a deal breaker, but it IS annoying because I'm so used to the exact opposite. I've had 3 phones, the Original Droid, the Fascinate, and now the Nexus, and they were placed on the side, top, and bottom. Without a doubt I liked the top the best. I'm unsure how to rate this, because it's simply a personal preference, but my personal rating would be 1/10. I just hate the power cord on the bottom, they should have just put it on the top.

6) Speaker Volume. I was really concerned when the alarm went off this morning. It was VERY low. Played some music through the speaker, it seemed acceptable, but by no means "loud". When I mean loud, I mean putting music on speaker and taking a shower and being able to hear it while in the shower with running water. That's what I would consider "good", as I distinctly remember doing that with my OG droid and it sounded great. The Nexus just doesn't have a loud clear speaker. That being said, it's not the end of the world, and not something that really bothers me, but it's still a 6/10.

7) Speed. It's a fast phone as far as processing goes. You can really tell the difference between this and my Fascinate. Installing apps is fast. GPS lock/load directions is fast. Everything is fast. It's just a well performing device as far as these aspects go. Very happy with this, but I'm sure when quad core processors come out next year they will be even faster. As of right now, I'd have to give it a 9.5/10, simply because there isn't much to benchmark it against (except for the Galaxy SII). Unforunately as time goes on this rating is simply n/a, but like I said, for now, it's really fast.

8) ICS. ICS is just flat out great, but I come from the ROM community and miss little modifications. The biggest thing I miss? Changing the brightness level through the pulldown menu. I didn't realize how often I use it. That being said, ICS is really really nice. It performs well except for tiny almost unnoticeable "hiccups" once in a while, but that's to be expected when you have apps installing in the background and other things going on. Many of the dramatic differences in speed could be attributed to either the hardware or the software, in all honesty it's hard to tell. As far as the user experience goes, it is a very good experience. ICS is really nice, and I think it's just flat out better than the iPhone OS in every single way except for "smoothness". 9.5/10.

9) 4g. People are reporting a mixed bag, but I'm really happy. I noticed the signal strength seems low, 1 bar, or 2 bars it seems most of the time. This hasn't affected my performance however. Speeds are great almost all the time. I rarely drop out (had streaming music on for an hour drive to work) and it dropped out only once, in a very bad signal spot through trees/hills. While in the city (Philadelphia area) it works flawlessly. I'm very happy with the speeds/signal I'm getting. That being said, it's no where near as reliable as having a plugged in cable modem, so don't think the experience is just as good as being plugged in. If you stay in one strong signal spot (coffee shop?) it almost feels like it is, but if you're in transition/travelling, of course you'll get a little choppiness in internet connection. I'd rate this a 9.5/10 if in a strong signal area.

10) Phone calls. Clear, crisp phone calls. Sounds great. Very very happy with it. 10/10.

Overall? Considering everything together, I'd give the phone an 8.5/10 overall rating. It's a great phone, it really is, I'm extremely happy with it. I would have given it even a 9.5/10 if the camera was better and the speaker was a little louder, or if you don't care about those things, it IS a 9.5/10. But I have to give a real assessment and not be biased about how much I love the Android and Samsung combo (which in my opinion is the best combo out there).

They did a great job on this phone, and it's really worth buying.
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That's funny, your review is pretty much spot-on how I feel about this phone. Well except for button placement. It's not that bad, I'm already used to it, coming from a D1 after 2 years. Camera and speaker volume are my two biggest 'cons'. I love how fast the shutter speed on the camera, but the quality is not good, plain and simple. If this phone had the Rezound's camera and software, it would be the ultimate smart phone, for me at least. Everything else I really love. I know some are complaining about the build quality, but I'm not. I like it. I have a case on the phone anyways, so I don't really care about the flimsy battery cover.
I exchanged my razr for the gnex yesterday and I am very unhappy. The on screen buttons have disappeared a few times and I had to reboot. And there is a ton of noise from the headphone Jack. I'm going to bestbuy later to exchange for the razr. It had a software issue or two but at least all the hardware worked. Plus I was easily getting 12 to 14 hrs with my normal usage. Looking at about 6 with this. Very disappointed.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Straight-up, non-fanboy review. Well put. I'd say I that my experience aligns with much of what you've written, with a few differences:

  • I don't really experience lag
  • I like the power button on the side, and the volume on the other side, but it's too easy to grab both when looking to hit one.
  • I'm trying to figure out the nuances of the camera - focus/depth of field, etc. I like the speed, don't mind the resolution for what it is, just need to figure out the way to get the most out of it
For me, a lot of the experience will come down to getting used to the ICS experience, and the way a Samsung device is laid out compared to Motos I've had in the past.
For me, I miss the camera button from my Dx and D2.
I haven't tested the camera much, but I don't think it is bad, but I do think the shutter is so fast it's hard to get clear pics, I may start using vignette again.

I am not experiencing any lag whatsoever.

I hate that they removed being able to assign a task by double tapping the home button.

The screen really is nice, however, we only get the full viewable when looking at video. Using the web the viewable screen size is the same as the Dx.

The speaker volume is a bit low, luckily for me I use BT most of the time.

I haven't had any 4G drops in my area.

The charge port is awkward for me. I use my phone quite a bit while plugged in, the cable is in an odd position.
I exchanged my razr for the gnex yesterday and I am very unhappy. The on screen buttons have disappeared a few times and I had to reboot. And there is a ton of noise from the headphone Jack. I'm going to bestbuy later to exchange for the razr. It had a software issue or two but at least all the hardware worked. Plus I was easily getting 12 to 14 hrs with my normal usage. Looking at about 6 with this. Very disappointed.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I've noticed a "feature" in ICS in which the buttons fade into little light puddles - tap the area and they come back. Does this work at all for you, or are they completely disappearing?

Also, I've noticed that the headset jack is quite TIGHT. I really have to push the headset in hard to get good contact. Once in, I have little to no noise.

Good luck, if you have to go back to the RAZR, it's certainly not a bad phone!
I've noticed a "feature" in ICS in which the buttons fade into little light puddles - tap the area and they come back. Does this work at all for you, or are they completely disappearing?

Also, I've noticed that the headset jack is quite TIGHT. I really have to push the headset in hard to get good contact. Once in, I have little to no noise.

Good luck, if you have to go back to the RAZR, it's certainly not a bad phone!

I found that out last night.
I don't use wired headsets, so that isn't an issue for me. Now I just can't wait for the apps to update, some of them are misbehaving.
Very good review and I agree on all parts except 4G simply because I'm not in a 4G area haha and camera because I'm nowhere near a good photographer so it suffices for me. As far as the lag, yeah its there but like you said its very minimal and definitely not a dealbreaker. The volume thing on the other hand is annoying...I'd give it a 8.5/10 as well, even as much as a 9/10 because the experience coming from a D1 is night and day.
Yea, I've noticed that they do change to small dots in some apps but they completely disappear on me. When I rebooted they were back but I had to do it again today. I'm going to at least go talk to them, maybe it's just a detective device. Guess we'll see what happens. I'll check back when this is resolved. Thanks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Excellent review. I ordered mine from amazon for and Im out on vacation till then Perfect for me. 150 and 100 bucks gift card, for 50 its a steal for me:)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using DroidForums
I like your review.
Here is mine (short version, lol)

1.No lag whatsoever, room-temperature-butter-smooth.
3.That's what she said, lol. (force of habit).
4.Low light situations, could be better. Love lack of shutter lag.
5.I'll give myself a week or two, then I'll comment.
6.Agreed. "Volume+" from the market is a godsend.
8.Agreed, there is always room for an improvement.
9.Agreed, depends on location.
10.Agreed, very crisp.
Does anyone know how to extend battery life? I was expecting much more than 6 or 7 hrs with moderate use. I got 12 hrs on the razr after the initial charge and drain, but this will be dying soon. Any ideas on getting that much time or more from the gnex?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Here's something I don't get. Everyone always complaining about "lag" on Android phones. WHAT lag? For all intents and purposes there is no lag.

Even a top of the line Core i7 based PC with 32GB of RAM and a 2GB 896-bit video card will suffer from a bit of slowdown from time to time. This is NOT lag, it's merely processing.

It seems like everyone wants a phone that transitions like the iPhone. The only problem is, they also want a true GUI. The iPhone is fast because its GUI is merely an app drawer. You're never gonna see a phone that supports widgets, multiple desktops, live wallpapers, and full customization that doesn't slow down from time to time. A bit of slowdown, IMHO, should be expected. We are really asking way too much of our devices.
Here's something I don't get. Everyone always complaining about "lag" on Android phones. WHAT lag? For all intents and purposes there is no lag.

Even a top of the line Core i7 based PC with 32GB of RAM and a 2GB 896-bit video card will suffer from a bit of slowdown from time to time. This is NOT lag, it's merely processing.

It seems like everyone wants a phone that transitions like the iPhone. The only problem is, they also want a true GUI. The iPhone is fast because its GUI is merely an app drawer. You're never gonna see a phone that supports widgets, multiple desktops, live wallpapers, and full customization that doesn't slow down from time to time. A bit of slowdown, IMHO, should be expected. We are really asking way too much of our devices.

I call it lag, you call it processing haha. This phone is super smooth, but there is la..err processing going on sometimes. That doesn't mean its a crappy phone, nor does it mean that we should be upset by it. These reviews are just pointing out what's there and what to expect. If someone wants a phone that doesn't noticeably "process" now and then, these reviews will help them decide.
Here's something I don't get. Everyone always complaining about "lag" on Android phones. WHAT lag? For all intents and purposes there is no lag.

Even a top of the line Core i7 based PC with 32GB of RAM and a 2GB 896-bit video card will suffer from a bit of slowdown from time to time. This is NOT lag, it's merely processing.

It seems like everyone wants a phone that transitions like the iPhone. The only problem is, they also want a true GUI. The iPhone is fast because its GUI is merely an app drawer. You're never gonna see a phone that supports widgets, multiple desktops, live wallpapers, and full customization that doesn't slow down from time to time. A bit of slowdown, IMHO, should be expected. We are really asking way too much of our devices.

I understand where you are coming from, but it's simply not true. It's due to the nature of how the software is written and how it executes. There is no doubt - there IS lag. This explains some things...

Here's a good example :

"The Root Cause

It’s not GC pauses. It’s not because Android runs bytecode and iOS runs native code. It’s because on iOS all UI rendering occurs in a dedicated UI thread with real-time priority. On the other hand, Android follows the traditional PC model of rendering occurring on the main thread with normal priority.

This is a not an abstract or academic difference. You can see it for yourself. Grab your closest iPad or iPhone and open Safari. Start loading a complex web page like Facebook. Half way through loading, put your finger on the screen and move it around. All rendering instantly stops. The website will literally never load until you remove your finger. This is because the UI thread is intercepting all events and rendering the UI at real-time priority.

If you repeat this exercise on Android, you’ll notice that the browser will attempt to both animate the page and render the HTML, and do an ‘ok’ job at both. On Android, this a case where an efficient dual core processor really helps, which is why the Galaxy S II is famous for its smoothness.

On iOS when an app is installing from the app store and you put your finger on the screen, the installation instantly pauses until all rendering is finished. Android tries to do both at the same priority, so the frame rate suffers. Once you notice this happening, you’ll see it everywhere on an Android phone. Why is scrolling in the Movies app slow? Because movie cover thumbnails are dynamically added to the movie list as you scroll down, while on iOS they are lazily added after all scrolling stops"