Native Movie Studio App


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
I just tried this app for the first time. Everything seemed to be going well until I tried to "export" the movie I had created. As it was exporting (rendering?) the movie file, the screen went to sleep. I figured the export would continue... well when I tried to wake the screen up by pushing the power button, nothing happened.

The phone was non-responsive, but getting warmer like it was still working. I thought maybe if I left it for 10 minutes or so it would finish up the export and the CPU would free up so I could get the screen back on. No such luck.

Just to see what would happen, I thought maybe if I plugged in the usb cable to my PC, the fact that it was charging would wake it up. It didn't wake it up, and I got some interesting USB devices showing up in Windows (modem, ets, intf2).

So in the end I pulled the battery (glad the battery is removable!) and when the phone came back up I had a corrupt movie file stored.

Anyone else get this app to work? The movie I had created was only a mashup of 3 clips I had taken with the Nexus, so it shouldn't have been too taxing. Maybe 2 minutes total length.
Same thing happened to me. I shut down task killer and battery saver and tried again and it worked. I think that if the screen powers off during the export process and these apps are enabled they kill something that crashes the phone. I'm hoping that is the fix and I didn't just get lucky the second time. The Movie studio is pretty cool, I hope it will work properly.
Hmmm... I don't run either of those apps so it might just be a general problem with the application not dealing with sleep on the phone correctly.