Neat Trick I Found


Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Motorola X Pure
If you answer a call while listening to music and plugged into a stereo input. You can talk and the person can hear you and the other voice is on the speakers. No need to unjack the phone to answer a call.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using DroidForums
Yeah, I discovered this with my Eris when listening to music in my car. No need to spend $80 on an expensive Bluetooth set when I can spend $20 on an FM transmitter powered by a cigarette lighter. Depending on what music app you're using, it'll also pause the song for a second if you use voice guided navigation so you can hear the lady speak. Another nifty use for cellphones while driving that actually makes things safer....
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Honestly there's been a lot of cool neat things that I didn't know about this phone. I just can't remember any of them off the top of my head!

Sent from a Rezound!
It's nice when a phone remembers it's a phone.

Exactly. I hated my old phone, I would be listening to music and get a call and have to unplug.

Like you said, it's nice when a phone still knows it is a phone.
i found that out a while ago with my DROID X all you really need is a AUX cable and it the call comes through the car speakers i think on most of the new cell phones can do it
Well this is certainly nice to know! Thanks for posting.