need a little help


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
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I am not sure if this topic has been addressed in the past or not, but gonna ask anyway...hope you guys can shed some light on this issue. I have a droid x, and there have been several times that I have added a few numbers to my address book and a day or so later they show up on my wife's blackberry storm 2. not sure how this is happening, I know she is not getting them off my phone...Also I have a 2010 ford f150 with the sync system, that downloads the phonebook to the truck via bluetooth, even though her phone is not synced to the truck, can this be doing it? I am at a loss, any ideas?
welcome to the forum!! i hope you stick around and join in the fun! :)

as for your specific question, the thing that immediately pops to mind is whether you share a common gmail account?? if so, the numbers you add would sync to your gmail account which, in turn, might sync to the gmail on her phone...
welcome to the forum!! i hope you stick around and join in the fun! :)

as for your specific question, the thing that immediately pops to mind is whether you share a common gmail account?? if so, the numbers you add would sync to your gmail account which, in turn, might sync to the gmail on her phone...

That's the first thing that popped in my head also...

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