need help with a droid 2 global


New Member
Feb 18, 2011
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The story is my wife lost her droid 2 global. It was insured so a new one was shipped. I had already expected that the phone shipped would come with GB and not FROYO. It came with 4.5.629 installed. I used the ezsbf cd to root 629. The install went fine, wiped the cache, and the phone booted normally. I began to reinstall apps and the phone began to feel hot and the red moto logo came on and the phone shut down. At this point I cannot power up, get to recovery or the bootloader. Any insight would be appreciated.
The iso I used was: D2G 4.5.629 SBF and ROOT CD
the phone does nothing, or you see red moto logo?
does battery charging screen come on when connected to wall charger?
The red logo would flicker a few times and then shut off, but only when connected to the charger. After trying for a while trying different ways to get to the bootloader, I tested the battery with my fast charger and it didn't have a charge. Thus the insurance company sent me a faulty battery. Thanks for your reply, I suppose I overreacted fearing a bricked phone. However if you have any suggestions about getting around the wifi tether issue on rooted 629 I am all ears.
there is a radio hack thread on rootzwiki, kind of risky
not sure barnacle wifi app might work
or you could try
2.4.330 sbf with rsd lite
will brick but old radio will be flashed
then unbrick with ezSBF 629
ezsbf does not flash radio only rsd lite
then several wifi tether apps should work
but i have not tested this