Need suggestions on new Case Company Name


Silver Member
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale
I am going to give it a go and start a case company.

Already designing some new ones.

Don't have a name I like with a URL I can buy...

but seriously, id say it depends on the look, materials, feel, etc of the case to determine the name imo. ill help with the name if you give me some type of info like tht. pm me if u wanna...
Well there are case companies like Case Logic, Incipio, Case Mate etc...

Just a very general sounding name of a company that makes cell phone cases...
One of my ideas was to use the word grip...

You know how hard it is to get something with grip?
Been working on the name thing all night... it's a pain since most are taken. I check GoDaddy to see if URL taken first.
LOL Guru was one of the first ones I thought of and threw out. Second one I threw out was Scott Cases.
Dude forget the name are your cases any good?

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While I think companies like Diztronic have the TPU case market sewn-up, there is a serious lack of slip-cases, pouches, etc for the GNex. I think there is clear opportunity there.

In this specific business, I am not sure that name is all that critical. It could range from something abstract like a few letters (AXS) to something your Mom would suggest (Case-Mate). Doesn't really matter.

Listen to what users really need, design great cases, build it in the US (looking out for my homies :biggrin: ), offer it at a fair price, use every marketing channel available, take care of your customers, and you'll probably turn a profit.

Good luck with it!