Netflix Working on D2G with Cyanogen7 Beta


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
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I'll try to sum this up simply. Albeit an incredibly long process, for such a small victory.

Follow the steps at

[Dev Thread][BETA] CyanogenMod 7 (based off cm4d2 port))

To intall CM7 for D2G. ( The only thing noticably buggy is the camera, which a simple workaround fixes, and you have to plug your USB jack in twice. As in plug in, unplug, plug in again. )

This will also leave you with Gingerbread on your D2G so, not too bad eh?

Then, go to

[APP][Updated 6/21/11] Official Netflix - xda-developers

and grab

Install it and open it. First log in might take a while, but after that youll have working Netflix, on your Droid 2 Global, and Gingerbread.:)

Im currently watching Firefly~
WORKS AWESOME!!!:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:
Says I cant open file. Any ideas? Gona try an redownload.

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The first one from the post should work.....try redownloading....dun use the modded one.

CM7 says HI from my D2G
Awesome!! cm7 looks sweet how do i get it? any good install guides so that i can further future proof my beast?
I am using angels newest rom and it works perfectly.

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The latest official version of netflix now supports the D2 which means it probably supports D2G as well regardless of the ROM your running.
I think your right, i got neflix working fine on my stock d2G