Never had major problems with Sapphire, what am I doing wrong now?


Mar 9, 2010
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After having a literally unfixable double notification issue I decided to reflash 1.1.1. Wiped everything, installed the rom, 1ghz kernel + gapps with stock theme. My phone is now on, but only one app downloaded (angry birds), and when I search for other apps I need, it shows that the market is already trying to download them but they're just sitting there doing nothing. I have ample space on my phone.

Not only that but if I try to search in the browser by typing my search syntax in the address bar, it FCs immediately. I've always ran at at least 1ghz so I don't think it is kernel related. I've had several problems now with 1.1.1 and reflashing did not help. FWIW the double notification issue is gone now, but what am I doing wrong that's causing these other issues?
I'm running an older version of Sapphire (8.4) and I've not experienced any issues. I posted the link to your thread on the CVPCS IRC asking that someone respond.

After having a literally unfixable double notification issue I decided to reflash 1.1.1. Wiped everything, installed the rom, 1ghz kernel + gapps with stock theme. My phone is now on, but only one app downloaded (angry birds), and when I search for other apps I need, it shows that the market is already trying to download them but they're just sitting there doing nothing. I have ample space on my phone.

Not only that but if I try to search in the browser by typing my search syntax in the address bar, it FCs immediately. I've always ran at at least 1ghz so I don't think it is kernel related. I've had several problems now with 1.1.1 and reflashing did not help. FWIW the double notification issue is gone now, but what am I doing wrong that's causing these other issues?

They sit there and do nothing for a while sometimes, I've had it take quite a while before when the resync of the programs is happening but it usually makes it eventually...normally it's suggested to not open the market when you first start the new rom until you get the " ## applications recovered" notification.

The other problem seems like it could be the google search issue some of us had.

(PS The commands are case sensitive)

(I'm stealing someone elses stolen post)
Try this:

[3] Google Search not updating in the market
(Stealing plaidman's AWESOME post on this one. Thanks!!!)
I answered my own question: GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk

So after you do a fresh Sapphire install, if you want the updated Google Search Widget, you can do the following commands on your favorite command line tool (I like ConnectBot). Mind you, these instructions might be a hell of a lot easier with something like RootExplorer, but I'm a cheap ass and I'm comfortable with *nix command lines. Skip this first part if you uninstalled with TitaniumBackup.

rm /system/app/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
reboot (dunno if you really need this, but just to be safe)

When the phone comes back, download the new Google Search in the marketplace. Now, unfortunately, the search button will be broken because it's still looking for the old /system/app application, but the new one was installed to /data/app. So we need to open our favorite command line tool again and move the .apk file.

mv /data/app/ /system/app/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
reboot (again, not sure you need to do this, but it's safe)
You may only have to do the 2nd half of that google search fix if you don't already have google search installed on the phone which sounds like your situation maybe
Your best bet is to wait for a good period of time (30-40 minutes) for everything to re-sync before messing with your phone at all. Everything will feel sluggish and some things just won't work right until everything is synced up.
sorry if u already tried this...ur double isnt an after-market messaging app (like handcent) and the stock messaging app is it. if u have an after market messaging app installed u have to go into the setting of the stock app and turn off the notifications...this would explain how it suddenly fixed...its cause the market didnt re-sync the after market app yet and ur only getn the stock message notification
Thanks for the tip on the search fix, once my terminal emu or root explorer download, I'll apply the fix. I just reflashed again and it has been 45 minutes or so and having the exact same issue as before, angry birds is the only app that auto downloaded. This time I have not yet opened the market but the sync icon disappeared quick. I'm betting if I open the market the apps will still be downloading but not moving. Any more suggestions?
Sync icon is just for your contacts and settings and such from google...the market is a different beast. Are you in a fairly stable 3g area or better yet on your wifi?
Was on 3g the first attempt, wifi at home the second. Same result.

And as far as the double notifications go I had a lengthy thread about it in general and absolutely had notifications turned off in the stock sms app. I even deleted the apk from the system folder to uninstall it completely and was still getting double notifications for SMS. I had no other apps that gave notifications either, so I just figured something was wonky on my install. I'm at a loss for what to do about these apps. I don't really feel like installing them one by one. I was certain reflashing would fix it but apparently not.
Got that's weird...not the first time I've seen a sync go terribly wrong. My roommate lost all his contacts and everything during the first root on his phone...i mean it took out his gmail contacts and everything was the strangest things.

Hopefully someone has a better idea than me cuz i'm at a loss
Yeah it's very strange. After waiting an hour I just checked my 'downloads' section of the market and all my apps are sitting there. They all say 'downloading' but nothing's happening. :(
Yeah it's very strange. After waiting an hour I just checked my 'downloads' section of the market and all my apps are sitting there. They all say 'downloading' but nothing's happening. :(

Cancel one and restart it. The rest should follow.
I tried that and nothing so I gave up and restored a 2 week old or so TiB file. Of course the minute TiB was done restoring, the market started installing all of my apps as well. Finally I've got my apps back and most of them are up to date but two paid apps of mine that I restored with TiB are still showing up as downloading in the market, and if I try to cancel the download the market FCs.
I've been having my fair share of odd Market App download issues, too. Since 1.0, when I go to update or install apps, I pretty much have to do them one at a time. Click Install, leave the phone sitting and not do anything, wait for it to finish, then do the next one. If I don't, I'll frequently find it'll just get stuck on the "Downloading..." progress bar with nothing actually happening on the phone. I have to cancel it and restart the install for it to work.

Although, I will say, that it appears as if this problem has been reduced in 1.1.1, but I haven't done that many app updates to be sure.