New Air Force Droid X Owner


New Member
Dec 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hello all

I wanted my title to catch you eye so I put my Air Force tag on it. My name is Jeremy Bergdorff and I have been in the Air Force for 8 years now, just picked up my Droid X about 2 1/2 months ago, and I think it's an amazing device. I am loving everything about this phone. As for this intro the thread stated that they wanted to know a little about the members so here I go. Like I said I am in in the Air Force, have 2 beautiful daughters, I am newly divorced as of Aug 2010, and I am a non-tradtional geek/nerd. You could not tell by outward apperences that I am, but I am. I have an electical engineering degree, and I am working on a computer sciencce degree currently. Don't tell anyone, but I play WoW as well. Anything else you would like to know just PM me. Glad to be here! :blackdroid:
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you aboard. If you ever make it down to Keesler AFB, give me a shout. Enjoy your stay.
...I too play WoW...and I teach kids about addiction...:huh:

anyways, welcome to the forum. Great place to check out different things and also a great place to ask for help!

If you like MMO's check out pocket legends. Its free for a little while, not sure how much you have to pay...but its pretty cool...Its a MMO on your droid...and if you have an X then you will have a good time!
Welcome to D/F and thanks for the Intro :)
Thanks for warm reception, I appreciate it. It nice to have a community with like minded people from all walks of life, and an inteligent community to boot.

Welcome to the Forum.

I did 4 years at Beale AFB, CA, with a stop in Egypt :)

Glad to have you with us