whats up fellows, i've had my moto droid for a couple weeks now i love it, but i know there's alot it'll do that i'll really enjoy, i've been looking thru the threads reading and i just dont know where to start, i'm not up on the lingo thats used i've read thru threads where its like chinese to me, i wanna get the full potential outta my phone, well the full potential on wat it can do that i would enjoy, i love the new technology, but the only thing i use is myspace and facebook and downloading youtube vids and thats pretty much it except for a few fun simple apps, and by the looks of it these forums are full of info that shows it'll do a lot more, i'm completely ignorant to all the lingo so i just wanna know where's the best place to start? whats the best things i can do for my droid from ANY stand point? anything from apps to changing this to changing that, i wanna eventually know as much as possible, i just wished i knew someone who had one and knew everything there is to know about the droid, u can contact thru the forum or at [email protected] or www.myspace.com/jbrock423 or www.facebook.com/jbrock98 cause i'm also looking to make new friends that know a thing or two that i can contact and share stuff with...thanks any info would help