New Android Trojan Malware Infection Can Record Phone Calls


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

There is a new bit of malware malfeasance attacking 'Andy'. This new Trojan does something that we haven't seen before; it is able to record phone calls while also recording your data. This Trojan stores its .AMR files locally on your phone's external storage. An additional configuration file installed by the infection gives remote server access to the creators of the app. This allows them to retrieve the recordings from your phone’s microSD card.

The easiest way to spot the infection is that it requests an excessive number of permissions, including the ability to record phone calls. This should obviously send up a "red flag" alert in your mind, but we need to warn all of our less tech-savvy friends and family members. The ZDNet article sums up nicely how we can educate others,
Ask yourself - does this app really need all these capabilities? If in doubt, say no!

Source: via PhanDroid and ZDNet
Was this trojan found in the Android Market, Amazon App Store, GetJar, or one of the Asian third-party markets that have hosted many of the infected apps in the past? What apps contain the trojan?
Given the screenshot, it looks like it's a standalone app, but can likely be bundled into other things.

I'm sure Google is keeping vigilant about keeping this kind of stuff off of the Android Market.
Was this trojan found in the Android Market, Amazon App Store, GetJar, or one of the Asian third-party markets that have hosted many of the infected apps in the past? What apps contain the trojan?

Most probably one of those Chinese app i always say if you want to go find malware you will...common sense goes a long way.
This is what we get for wanting to do what we want to our phones with restrictions (for the most part, root usually required). At the same time, if you're dumb enough not to read what the app permissions requires, then you deserve it.

I'll take the risk any day then having a phone such as the iPhone where Apple went around locking all the doors, putting a cushion on all the sharp corners and you have to ask permission to do anything, which is promptly denied.
does apple have to be mentioned in every thread...
Funny, I've been looking for a good call recording app, maybe this developer can create something legit...

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Here's another malicious app that I've found. It takes control of recording audio, takes pictures and video as well. Please inform every1 out there.

The app calls, "party light free"

Here's the drocap shot of the app.
