New Android Trojan Records phone calls.

Apr 13, 2010
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New Android Trojan Discovered to Record Phone Calls

We’ve seen quite a few Android trojans over the past few months that have done everything from mine your data to remotely accessing features of your handset, but the latest one to rear its ugly head has a new trick of its own. This one not only logs your call data, but it records entire conversations. The .AMR files are stored locally on your phones external storage, but a configuration file installed by the malware gives remote server access to the bad guys, allowing them to retrieve the recordings from your phone’s microSD card.
You will know the trojan by the excessive number of permissions it requests. If you find yourself installing an application that asks for permission to record calls you probably want to think twice before placing the potential malware on your handset.

Source: New Android Trojan Discovered to Record Phone Calls
If someone wants to listen to my phone calls they must be extremely bored. The climax of my phone convos is about the point where I ask wait do we need a dozen or two dozen eggs.
You will know the trojan by the excessive number of permissions it requests.
That's not going to help most people. People seem to have difficulty determining what is or isn't appropriate with permissions as they only read the names of the permissions and run wild with assumptions about what the specific permissions actually entail.