New Asus AiO Tablet/PC Hybrid with Windows 8 and Android Dual-Boot


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We aren't exactly sure what to make of this or how to categorize it, because it seems to fit several molds at once, but it was intriguing enough to share. In fact, we could be seeing the first device of the future of personal computing... Apparently Asus is going to showcase a new product at Computex this year that amazingly attempts to "do it all." It's a tablet/PC hybrid, that also happens to dual-boot between Windows 8 and Android. It's called the Asus Transformer AiO. It's an 18.4-inch Android/Windows 8 dual-boot tablet that docks in a base station and morphs into a home PC.

The display itself is an 18.4-inch LED-backlit panel with 10-point multitouch support (although no resolution specs were given). Supposedly the device has a button that switches between Android mode and Windows 8 OS. Obviously a tablet of this size isn't the most portable option. Furthermore, there is some intel that it may actually only have a limited range from the base-station (which seems odd). Still, the concept is pretty noteworthy. What do you guys think?

Update: Here's a video of the Transformer AiO:


Source: SlashGear
Their is a video of it in action and the way it changes to the android tablet they take it off the dock and it switches.
Apple is gonna sue 'em

Haha didn't even think of that.

Unfortunately, this may illustrate the challenge to get the necessary power into a tablet for dual-boot purposes. At least I assume that's why this is an 18" tablet, but maybe that's their target market (all-in-1 desktop). I mean, shouldn't they be able to get a 2ghz quadcore with 4gig ram into a 10" tablet? That would rival mid-tier laptops.

On a related note, that form factor is awful (from someone who usually cares little about such things).
exactly, and because they won't like that someone came out with the idea first, they'll probably make something up about how it was stolen from them. :p

It was!!! ;-)


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I can only imagine how much it'll cost.

I've REALLY REALLY wanted something like this for two years. Just not that big. I would love it if ASUS just made a 10" one, and had the laptop dock. I already got a killer desktop, I don't want to spend the money on another. But I honestly need a new laptop.
I can only imagine how much it'll cost.

I've REALLY REALLY wanted something like this for two years. Just not that big. I would love it if ASUS just made a 10" one, and had the laptop dock. I already got a killer desktop, I don't want to spend the money on another. But I honestly need a new laptop.

maybe like a giant version of the padfone where you don't a 10" tablet into the back of a 24" monitor dock computer thing...