New Blackberry Convert...


New Member
Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
Raleigh NC
Just switched over from a BB Tour, great phone/device but very unimpressive as a multimedia device. So far, I am impressed with the D3 and all of it's capabilities.

One thing I loved about my BB was the Otter Box Defender case I had for it (once I accidentally kicked the phone as it fell from my hands and I watched it cartwheeel down the driveway, no damage or even marks!). I wish Otter Box had such a case/holster for Droids. Anyone know of a comparable?

I am in NC, probably old enough to be a dad to most of you, a pro photographer who plays tenor sax and instructs high performance sport car driving. I have 3 kids, 25, 21 and 18 yrs.
Depending on which Droid you can still get a Otterbox.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Apparently not for the Droid 3, and when they do come out with it, it will be a "Commuter", not a "Defender"..... :(
Welcome to the forum, glad u joined us. Head over to the D3 section to get more info, if u haven't already. Enjoy ur stay here