New contacts not showing up.


Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Oh
Current Phone Model
Nexus 6P
Today I entered a new contact and when I went to call him this evening, he wasn't in the contact list. I dialed his number and there was his name, as though I dialed from contact list. After ending call I checked the contact list and nothing. His name and number were in the call log. After a little checking, I noticed that the last three new contacts I entered are not to be found, but when I dial the number their name pops up. Any ideas?
Sinced you can not specifically set a contact group via the phone for new contacts, i.e. friends, family, ect, the default contact group is My Contacts (I am pretty sure on this). To see these new contacts you may need to ensure that My Contacts are cehcked under Contacts > Menu > Display Options > google account > System Group: My Contacts.

Give it a try...
Thanks les017, that was it. Didn't realize how many were missing til now. Thanks again.