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Droid Roids

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Oct 19, 2010
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South Jersey
Just picked up a Droid 2. What led me to this is that I just can't break away from a hardware keyboard. I've got some real gripes about this key board: lack of seperate number keys, not enough physical space to access the top row of keys, etc. It's only been a few days so I'm still getting used to it. I'm loving the internet usage abilities of the Droid2 and it's defintely made it a worthwhile buy for me. One of the things I really wanna find is a better texting program. The send button is too small. I'm also looking forward to doing a lot of NES/SNES emulation on it as well. Anyone know if you can run M.A.M.E. on it?
Welcome to the forum. I to found this site when I got my D2 and it has been very helpful / informative.

As for a texting app, try Handcent. I saw a lot of users her mentioned it, so I downloaded it and they are right. Best one out there.
Welcome to the forums. You may be having probs with the keyboard for now but soon your fingers will be flying across it. As for sms app you should try out handcent from the marketplace, its free and fully customizable. Have fun.

^^^ beat me to it lol

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:welcome: to the Forum and Congrats on the Droid 2

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Droid Emulite.

Handles ALL emulators and games basically. So you can emulate NES, SNES, Sega, Gameboys, and more. I haven't used it extensively, but so far it is easy and getting roms isn't hard. It's a must try.
Also, for a better emulating experiance check out Game Gripper. If you google it it should some up. Its a rubber and plastic device that sits over your keyboard and has a dpad and a more regular button layout for gaming. The droid 2 version is not quite out yet, but it should be soon. I had one for my D1 and it makes playing emulators or any game with progarmmable buttons %100 more fun!