New droid = all apps lose settings?


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hey all,

I upgraded to a Droid X from a Moto Droid and used Mybackup Pro to back up all my apps (some like Tower Raiders and a few others didn't get backed up).

How do I go about backing up the apps I really don't want to lose my settings for (since MyBackup doesn't back them up), and then ensure they're properly linked to the Droid Market so that I still receive updates? this an app issue and I'm screwed?
Veronis are you using the stock sdcard in your X or the one that was in your droid1? Alot of apps store data on the sdcard.
Thanks for the suggestion...I already moved all the data that was available in USB Mass Storage, to no avail.

Unless there's a lot of "hidden" stuff in the SD Card that isn't in the folder views visible in a file manager like ASTRO, or when USB'd to a computer.
Doesn't google back up all the apps now??? I've done lots of factory resets and I just make sure and check the box for google to back up my apps when I activate my phone. Super handy. It may have only started doing this with the new Froyo update I'm not sure. Before this I used Titanium backup and had pretty good success with that. Not 100% certain if it backs up settings or not but try it out.