New Droid user


New Member
Dec 4, 2010
Reaction score
My name is Brad and I am from Pennsylvania. I just purchased a Droid 2 Global from Best Buy Mobile. I actually am a Best Buy Mobile employee and this is my first android device. I have been a huge BlackBerry fan for 5 years now ( and still am). I have gotten to love the Droid 2 specially the white housing! Feel free to add me on gtalk to chat about android or if you just want to chat
gtalk- [email protected]

Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay and the inevitable cure to your blackberry problem


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Trust me your steamy love affair with the Droid is only just kicking off.

Welcome to the forums!!!
Lol I know its just kicking off but I'm still a crackberry at heart
We have dedicated rehabilitation services for that ;)

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
I was a long time Blackberry user as well i'm a newbie too

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL
I paid the ETF on my Storm2 and added a line to my account to get my Droid and have never looked back! :dancedroid:
I'm a previous iPhone (x3) user as well. Since owning my Droid, I forget where my iPhone is half the time! Haha! Speaking of which.......hmmmmm.....

DroidForums junkie!