New Galaxy Nexus -- Questions


Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Outside Atlanta, GA
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo
Hi, husband and I got new phones Friday. Our poor old Droid 1 units were getting a bit creaky. We really coveted the Galaxy S III, but didn't have the $$ for them. Got Galaxy Nexus units instead. I really like it, but boy, is it a power hog! Looks like the screen is the chief offender. I keep my brightness turned way down unless I am in full sun. Any other tips? I put Juice Defender on it since it was recommended by at least two people in another forum. Just started that today.

Also, I was astonished to discover that this spanking new unit doesn't do Car Home! I like to keep the map open with the traffic overlay during my long commute and this morning the phone went dark four times! Is there any way to keep the maps on? (I hope Navigation doesn't do this!!!!)


"Apple can...Droid DOES."
The Galaxy Nexus is indeed a little bit of a power hog. The screen as you said is one of the main offenders, that being said, Juice Defender might not do too much wonders since a lot of the work Juice Defender does is with limiting data connections and apps using too much CPU time, which Android does a pretty good at already, and the app also (from my experience) can't really limit how much power the screen uses, specially if you already have the brightness turned way down. With that being said, the app may or may not benefit you at all. Time will tell, keep an eye on it.

What you can do, is buy the extended batteries, they add very very little bulk to the phone and do a pretty good job and extending the life.
Also, I was astonished to discover that this spanking new unit doesn't do Car Home! I like to keep the map open with the traffic overlay during my long commute and this morning the phone went dark four times! Is there any way to keep the maps on? (I hope Navigation doesn't do this!!!!)


"Apple can...Droid DOES."

There is no Car Home, but it is really not needed. No Nagivation will not go dark..but you could turn off the screen and it will still track. Did you try Google Now? Try using the card Traffic. You can set your home and work.. and it will map out your route.
There is no Car Home, but it is really not needed. No Nagivation will not go dark..but you could turn off the screen and it will still track. Did you try Google Now? Try using the card Traffic. You can set your home and work.. and it will map out your route.

Thanks--initialized Google Now. Looks intriguing. Of course the route it gave me to work is the one I wouldn't take in a million years--down the busiest street in the neighborhood to get to the freeway and then through the shortest route, which is full of 18-wheelers. I go a slightly longer way (4 miles) to steer clear of 90% of the trucks. Does the map perhaps learn routes?
Sorry for the late reply, Mine took the same route i always drive. I drove my route once with GPS setting on the whole way maybe it helped or maybe it was my settings in Navigation. (Avoid tolls etc).