New Gun Question


Silver Member
Apr 7, 2010
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This is kind of a random question but when you buy somebody else a gun is it messed up to go to the range without them and shoot it for the first time?

For Christmas my family is buying each other weapons. My dad bought my sister a sweet little pistol, i cant remember what kind she got. Its brand new and he is obsessively field stripping it and actually took it to the range already. She has several pistols already, she knows how it works so its not like shes consulting him to work on it or anything (she would get her boyfriend at her house to help her if a problem popped up)

My thoughts: In my mind thats like popping the cherry to a virgin gun, then giving it away and you get the seconds. The gun is almost like new if he shoots it, but its no longer new. Of course shell never know, but whats the point? Why shoot the gun without her their to experience the first fire at all? (Fist fire from the factory that is)

His thought: I bought it.

I picked out my gun, a Sig 229. im thinking he may do it to mine to, but im really hoping that i can get some good ideas on how to prevent it with this thread. throw me superstitions or something, or if im just being drama then tell me. We got my mom a colt 6920 socom.... he already got into that as well.

Your thoughts?
Certain presents that I give I'll make sure they work correctly first, charge the batteries, etc.
A pistol vs an iPod is apples and oranges but the gist is if it's THE present, just imagine the disappointment if it doesn't work or they have to wait a long time to use it. My kids range from 22-5 so it's a bit different in my thinking from a child's patience perspective.
Since they are both adults I would think she would be able to say "thanks but please don't test it first next time" if it's a problem for her. Dads will always see their daughters as their little princess, no matter how old they are.

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From a Beano
lol, hes not seeing if it works. hes shooting for fun.
From my perspective, no big deal whether he is ranging in the site, checking for mechanical faults or just wants to send a few rounds down range. Now if he used it and left the powder residue for me to clean then we have words...;)
Pretty sure all guns are test fired by the manufacturer. So the cherry is already popped.
I would never do it. but i would not have a problem with someone who did..
Talk to your dad

I'm a dad and I want all my gifts to work but understand the disappointment you express. If you have not already, take a minute and talk to your dad and let him how you feel. It sounds like he really cares about you and would listen.
I wouldn't do this.. but... some guns come from the factory with a sludge type of oil on them.. I've seen it on Taurus and Berettas. That sludge is a pita to get off, and if you're like me, you WANT it off.. and to do so, you have to take the gun down to bare frame and even disassemble the slide...

Also, some guns are tight when you first get them... you get some FTL(failure to load) or FTF(failure to feed) issues, or sometimes the extractor is out of adjustment.. sometimes you have to pull the mags apart and clean them too...dang grease.... but its shipped like that for a reason...other than annoying me... so I'm told..

There are some people that have rituals for OOTB (out of the box) guns.. lock the slide open for 10 days... rack the slide 500 times.... rack the slide with a loaded mag in, make sure it feeds... IMHO, the only thing you can do that works,(breaking in) is firing the gun..

Your dad could also be making sure there are no defects in the weapon system... so its a working fire arm when you receive them... i'd hate to hand a person a weapon, have them go out the door and it won't fire...especially if any of you have a ccl..

Speaking of cleaning.... I just polished the feed ramp on my new 92fs...check it out.

That my friends, is a mirror shine... also added a 15 lb wolf recoil spring and customized the trigger pull for DA pulls...
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I've gifted a few weapons and it never crossed my mind for me to test fire any of them. Chances were pretty good I would get to run the second clip or so through it. But I always charged chargeable items. Who wants to open up a new "?" and have to charge it.