New Guy, and new to Android.

Lobster Flop

New Member
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
Hello folks,

I'm hoping to get a Droid 2 this thursday. I'm coming from an Iphone 3GS on AT&T. I have had Blackberries, and Windows smart phones in the past. However this will be my first Android and Droid phone. I have been reading up on the OS and the phone. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it soon. I have gotten really tired of my Iphone. Anyways wanted to say hello and looking forward to talking with ya'll on these forums.
You're gonna love this place. Welcome aboard and be prepared to put the 2nd best device ever in your hand!
Thanks Thunter. I don't mind if it is the second, third or fourth. I just need a phone that is going to fulfill my needs and get the job done. I looked at the DX and it was nice, but it reminded me to much of the Iphone. Looks like a great entertainment device, but I need a work phone. I had Blackberries before the Iphone, and decided to give it a try. Wish I hadn't done that. Iphone is good at a lot of stuff but sucks at the most important thing and that is being a phone. Lots of dropped calls. Some of it was the device(Had full bars) and other times it was the network. Not to mention I seemed to find the places AT&T didn't work and Verizon did. lol

Also what is important to me is Calendar and e-mail. If those things work great I am good to go. Also the customization that the Android OS allows is another thing that is very attractive. Iphone very restrictive, and BlackBerry is still stuck several years back on there software.
So that is my reasons for picking the D2. More about what it does, then entertains for me. :)

But I understand everyone has their own needs and why they pick their phone.
I know you're going to enjoy the D2 and you're right about all the customizing you can do if you're into that. This is the place to learn and really get all you can out of the phone.

On email for business, if you're into gmail, all will go well. If you have your own POP mail account, you're going to want to download and use an app called K-9. The email app build into the phone is not very good. (Not sure about the D2 if they may have fixed it) but this should be one of the first things you add to the phone for work. All your phone numbers and contacts are going to be sent to google via your gmail account. This takes a little while to get use to as the droid will not sync your outlook contacts with the phone. Again, once you get use to it, its fine as all the things is does great! far out weigh some of the things it doesn't do too well.

This place is a great place to learn. Just SEARCH your question(s) and you will find answers. It's a great community here.

Good luck, Welcome and enjoy your phone!