New guy


Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Been lurking these forums ever since I ordered my droid x on release date. I'm 22 years old, and completely infatuated with technology. I do have to admit that I'd probably be using an iphone if it came to verizon. For that sentence I might be shot at in these forums, but I can admit it.I love reading reviews, tweaks, having the best accessories for my phones and between this site, and a few others like engadget, xtreme systems, and newegg I don't miss a whole lot. I've always been interested in reading real life opinions on updates/news/technology and forums have been a part of my life since..oh I dunno starcraft release lol. Thx for the welcome and I hope to be a good site member and lurk many a times. I probably won't post a whole lot unless I have a technical issue I can't figure out on my own. Or unless I can help someone with an answer someone else hasn't answered 100 times.

I currently have a droid x rooted with 2.2 with seinheil crystal clear cover and a seido surface case (after trying about 5 different ones seido rocks..waiting for otterbox/rugged) dancedroid
Welcome! Glad to have you with us. Lots of iPhone converts here, including me. The Droid is a fantastic device. I have no regrets switching.

Check out the FAQ and X sections in the Forum.
