New here


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
Thought I would stop in and introduce myself, since I finally registered to help answer someone's question.

I recently purchased my Droid 3 (my first andriod phone), although I have been using smartphones for awhile now (anyone remember WinMo 5.0)? Once I purchased a pair of Droid Incredibles for my wife and son at Christmas, I have been dying to jump into the Android arena.

I am fairly tech savvy (the director of IT at work), but by no means a developer.

I look forward to my time on Droid Forums and learning and helping others.

Thank you,

Welcome! And also, welcome to the Droid 3 family.

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Welcome to the forums! Are you enjoying your D3?


Actually I am. I was going to hold out for the Bionic, but after really paying attention to the amount of use my physical keyboard on the Touch Pro 2 was getting, I decided the Droid 3 would need to be the Android phone for me.

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