HTC But*ter*fly 2 Could Be Ver*i*zon HTC One is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
HTC con*firmed that it has anoth*er second-generation ver*sion of the HTC But*ter*fly in the works, a device known as the Droid DNA on Ver*i*zon in the Unit*ed States, and as it appears that it will be out soon, this could very well wind up being Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the HTC One.
Read: HTC One Release: Addi*tion*al Delays & Short*ages Into Late April.
Rumors have been fly*ing around late*ly about a poten*tial Ver*i*zon ver*sion of the new HTC One, a device that was launched back in Feb*ru*ary and will be released in the weeks ahead on AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. And while Ver*i*zon isn’t expect*ed to be one of the first car*ri*ers to host the HTC One, it has been rumored to be get*ting it at some point down the road.
The HTC One could be the Droid DNA 2 on Ver*i*zon.
Cur*rent rumors sug*gest that Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the device will come a month or two after other car*ri*ers and that it will have a DLX*PLUS model name. The HTC DLX was the orig*i*nal name of the Droid DNA. Rumors have sug*gest*ed that based on this, the DLX*PLUS could ulti*mate*ly end up being Ver*i*zon’s new ver*sion of the Droid DNA and per*haps Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the HTC One.
Those rumors have gained steam today as a report from Focus Tai*wan claims that HTC exec*u*tive Ben Ho, chief mar*ket*ing offi*cer of HTC, has con*firmed that a next-generation HTC But*ter*fly is com*ing soon. The HTC But*ter*fly is of course the Droid DNA, only, the Droid DNA fea*tures Ver*i*zon brand*ing.
It’s unclear just what the next-generation HTC But*ter*fly has on board but it could be a 5-inch device like the orig*i*nal HTC But*ter*fly. The HTC One comes with a 4.7-inch dis*play and rumors about the DLX*PLUS have sug*gest*ed a 4.7-inch dis*play as well, how*ev*er.
Read: Ver*i*zon HTC One Release No Longer Denied by HTC.
It’s also unclear just where it might be released. How*ev*er, given that Ver*i*zon launched the pre*vi*ous But*ter*fly and won’t have an HTC One at launch, it could be that this device will ulti*mate*ly be Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the HTC One, per*haps, brand*ed as the Droid DNA 2.
It also could be that the Droid DNA 2 and the Ver*i*zon HTC One are two, total*ly dif*fer*ent devices but it would be strange to see Ver*i*zon release an entire*ly sim*i*lar phone so late in the game. Instead, it may want to offer some*thing dif*fer*ent and per*haps a Droid DNA 2 with a 5-inch dis*play and a sim*i*lar full metal HTC One design will be it.
HTC says that it will launch soon, so hope*ful*ly, we see some offi*cial details emerge soon*er rather than later.
HTC But*ter*fly 2 Could Be Ver*i*zon HTC One is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
HTC con*firmed that it has anoth*er second-generation ver*sion of the HTC But*ter*fly in the works, a device known as the Droid DNA on Ver*i*zon in the Unit*ed States, and as it appears that it will be out soon, this could very well wind up being Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the HTC One.
Read: HTC One Release: Addi*tion*al Delays & Short*ages Into Late April.
Rumors have been fly*ing around late*ly about a poten*tial Ver*i*zon ver*sion of the new HTC One, a device that was launched back in Feb*ru*ary and will be released in the weeks ahead on AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. And while Ver*i*zon isn’t expect*ed to be one of the first car*ri*ers to host the HTC One, it has been rumored to be get*ting it at some point down the road.
The HTC One could be the Droid DNA 2 on Ver*i*zon.
Cur*rent rumors sug*gest that Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the device will come a month or two after other car*ri*ers and that it will have a DLX*PLUS model name. The HTC DLX was the orig*i*nal name of the Droid DNA. Rumors have sug*gest*ed that based on this, the DLX*PLUS could ulti*mate*ly end up being Ver*i*zon’s new ver*sion of the Droid DNA and per*haps Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the HTC One.
Those rumors have gained steam today as a report from Focus Tai*wan claims that HTC exec*u*tive Ben Ho, chief mar*ket*ing offi*cer of HTC, has con*firmed that a next-generation HTC But*ter*fly is com*ing soon. The HTC But*ter*fly is of course the Droid DNA, only, the Droid DNA fea*tures Ver*i*zon brand*ing.
It’s unclear just what the next-generation HTC But*ter*fly has on board but it could be a 5-inch device like the orig*i*nal HTC But*ter*fly. The HTC One comes with a 4.7-inch dis*play and rumors about the DLX*PLUS have sug*gest*ed a 4.7-inch dis*play as well, how*ev*er.
Read: Ver*i*zon HTC One Release No Longer Denied by HTC.
It’s also unclear just where it might be released. How*ev*er, given that Ver*i*zon launched the pre*vi*ous But*ter*fly and won’t have an HTC One at launch, it could be that this device will ulti*mate*ly be Ver*i*zon’s ver*sion of the HTC One, per*haps, brand*ed as the Droid DNA 2.
It also could be that the Droid DNA 2 and the Ver*i*zon HTC One are two, total*ly dif*fer*ent devices but it would be strange to see Ver*i*zon release an entire*ly sim*i*lar phone so late in the game. Instead, it may want to offer some*thing dif*fer*ent and per*haps a Droid DNA 2 with a 5-inch dis*play and a sim*i*lar full metal HTC One design will be it.
HTC says that it will launch soon, so hope*ful*ly, we see some offi*cial details emerge soon*er rather than later.
HTC But*ter*fly 2 Could Be Ver*i*zon HTC One is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.