New member/Help with logging off Facebook


New Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Hi. I am lagr and a new member to the Droid Forum. I previously had a htc Incredible. I needed to replace it because it was damaged and now I have an Incredible 2. Here is my question: With the Incredible, I was able to log off of Facebook when I was done using it. I haven't been able to figure out how to log off of Facebook on the Incredible 2. Does anyone know how to do that? I do not want to stay logged on at all times. Thanks!
Welcome to the forums.

I believe you can still log out by going to the main menu on the FB app, hitting the Settings button on your phone, and then tapping logout, or at least that's how it works on my phone (which is a different model).
Logging off facebook

Thanks Card. I was able to do that with my old droid but have had difficulty finding a "menu" on this version. However, I did finally find a spot to log off.

After logging on, the News Feed comes up. If you hit the back button on your phone, it brings you to the main menu of Facebook. Then hit the "menu" button on the phone and it will bring up some options, one of which is to log off. It worked perfectly!!