New member here


New Member
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Hudson MA
Hi everybody,

My girlfriend and I got each other Droids for Valentine's day gifts. We just couldn't wait till the 14th tho. I'm actually posting this from mine. This is an awesome site for an awesome phone. Actually the girlfriend and I have decided its so much more than a phone. It's a computer with a phone app. Lol

I used to have Nextel but ditched em when sprint took over. I went to a Samsung 740u with VZW. Long live the Droid.
I look forward to seeing you all around the forum.

Welcome to the machine, John! tell your gf to sign up too, it will be fun ;)

ask questions if you have them.. enjoy!
Thanks Sam,
This place is amazing.

Welcome,Talon3! Oh, you have no idea yet. It's a great group of people here, all (well most all) are really smart and more than willing to help if you get a little lost. Read, read, and then read some more. If you search for something and can't find it, just start a thread and post the question - you'll be amazed at how many people will stop by to help. Have fun!

Like Sam said, have your girlfriend sign up too!:beer2:
Thanks Sam,
This place is amazing.

Welcome,Talon3! Oh, you have no idea yet. It's a great group of people here, all (well most all) are really smart and more than willing to help if you get a little lost. Read, read, and then read some more. If you search for something and can't find it, just start a thread and post the question - you'll be amazed at how many people will stop by to help. Have fun!

Like Sam said, have your girlfriend sign up too!:beer2:
This is one of the dumb ones, but I'll tell you what brother, when you're as dumb as I am, you read, read, and read some more. Do this and you'll learn enough to root, avoid having a brick, a burning pocket via overclock, then unroot and most of all, you'll learn patience from people dangling 2.1 candy in front of your face every ten minutes while checking updates every five. You've been warned! would be a fitting URL for this site