New Member: Joseph


Active Member
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Moto Z Force Droid
Hey Guys, I had registered for this site waaaaay back in September...2010, only to notice I had not done anything with it since then (lots of stuff has happened between now and then). However, I am glad to now be part of this cellular phone forum community. I have the Moto Droid (July 2010 got it right before D2 came out, got a good deal for it). Very satisfied with phone. Currently, I work in A/P and A/R at my job and I am finishing up my Bachelor's in Accounting for the CPA exam. That's going well and I should be fairly well-off once I pass all 4 parts of the exam. Like a good brother, I lent my upgrade to my sister since her phone was defective (both of us had Blackberry, would never recommend another one again). I was able to claim manufacturer's defect, without having to waste an upgrade for the device. I'd love to get the bionic sometime, however I'll put that aside for the time being. Hit me up with any info and responses.:)
:welcome: back to the forum Joseph. Your right, a lot has happened since Sept. '10. And cant say that I've seen many 1 yr old members with 1 post before. Stick around and join in.
Welcome to the community and technology has gone through leaps in bounds in just a year. Glad to see you joined us and this is a great place to learn anything. Also got some friendly members here that are always willing to help out including myself. Dive on in and enjoy the community